cora is both: a smart IT vending machine and an intelligent locker. Thanks to its standardized interfaces, cora can be seamlessly integrated into business-critical processes or applications.


Already easily integrated



Better safe than sorry

All cora Cloud data is stored redundantly and encrypted in highly secure, certified data centers. For EU customers in Frankfurt, for Swiss customers in Zurich. The data centers have a disaster recovery plan and are certified according to the following standards:

ISO 27001, 27017, 27018
SOC 1/2/3


Process automation

Intelligent automation

cora manages stocks completely independently according to the FIFO method: First In First Out. The stocks of mobile devices that are stored with cora rotate automatically. cora knows what the next device to be issued or returned is. This means there are no slow-moving items or old stock.


«cora is an important companion on the road to digitalisation and visibility in IT service.»
Matthias Vogel
Matthias Vogel Head of Department, Provinzial Group



Easy to integrate

One of the main advantages of cora becomes clear during integration. All cora Cloud functions can be controlled centrally via individual interfaces. The interfaces are authenticated via OAUTH2.0 and communication is end-to-end encrypted. Thanks to the standardized REST APIs in JSON format, cora can be integrated easily, quickly and seamlessly into existing systems.